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Certificate - Chemical Dependency

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Human Services Professional Technical Certificate

Full Credential Title

Chemical Dependency Certificate

Catalog Description

The Chemical Dependency Certificate meets the 23 educational competencies required by the Washington State Department of Health (WAC 246-811-030) for Substance Use Disorder Professional (CDP) certification. TCC is an approved school (WAC246-811-010/9). A minimum of 30 credits of this certificate must be earned at TCC to ensure students are meeting the 23 competencies required by the Washington State Department of Health.

NOTE: The certification requirements for a Substance Use Disorder Professional (SUDP) in Washington state are an Associate’s degree in human services or a related field, or a total of 90 quarter credits from an approved school. 45 quarter credits must be related to the substance use disorder profession and must include specific topics listed in (WAC 246-811-030). If you have a degree in another field you may obtain this certification by accruing the required 45 quarter credits independent of an additional degree.

Total Number of Credits


Effective Term

Fall 2024

CIP Code

44.0000 - Human Services, General.

ctcLink Plan Code


Program Updates

This certificate has changes effective Winter 2025. Please see Addendum - Program Changes for details.