Associate of Applied Science - Paralegal
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TCC’s Paralegal program prepares students for employment in the legal services field as specialists who will provide assistance to attorneys or other legal professionals.
Students can earn an Associate in Applied Sciences (AAS) degree (Paralegal); or, with a previously earned Associate of Arts and Sciences or Bachelor’s degree, the student may pursue the Paralegal Pro-Certificate.
Students who transfer from other paralegal programs must contact the Program Chair to discuss the law course transfer credit policy.
Upon completion of this AAS degree program, students may continue their education and work towards a Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) degree offered at a number of Washington State Community and Technical colleges including Tacoma Community College. There are specific program maps that allow students to directly transfer into the TCC BAS program in Applied Management and the TCC BAS program in Community Health, upon completion within the Paralegal program. Students should discuss their interest in pursuing this path with their advisor. Students intending to transfer to a four-year university may be required to take additional courses depending on the requirements of the particular program or degree.
Students who plan to transfer should meet with the program chair to plan their course selection and sequence. Students are eligible to select only one Paralegal program depending on educational background. Students may not simultaneously obtain a Paralegal degree and Paralegal certificate, or two Paralegal certificates using the same set of courses. Students must obtain a minimum grade of C in all courses.
TCC’s Paralegal program is approved by the American Bar Association
Total Number of Credits
Effective Term
CIP Code
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Program Updates
This degree has changes effective Winter 2025. Please see Addendum - Program Changes for details.